Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Shining Star

The Fallen Angel - Star

People often wished upon a star for their needs or happiness… this made me think that I am something more special… Because
This is me… the lighting star... This is me the beautiful angel... Who is blessed to be in the presence of.. Lord.  What should I say more about me … it’s me the angel and the star.. who is loved by the God and cared for a lot… , as he knows that this star is thou naughty at times but still very innocent .. who has known nothing about the vile nature of any,  which existed any where...
I was cared by him as a flower with tenderness and as mother for her child… what more is required?
One day I looked down and felt that how lovely the nature was on earth… then I asked him, god can I go down for some time and satisfy my eagerness about the nature and its creatures on earth?
God smiled and said… dear from far you feel that the nature and the earth very beautiful… its only one side.. you don’t have any idea that how much you are blessed… you feel the nature calling you as you are a part of nature but unaware of it , nature has many colours, beauty, disaster each and every feelings and emotions are present in the nature; and you are only acquinted with pleasant happiness by being with me. The human race comes to me here after endeavoring all these stages of life….. why do you want to go thru all these things  when you are already with me? …. I pouted my mouth and kept quiet for the instance….
But the call of nature and happiness was becoming on me and one day I stepped out from the safety zone … and was starting to fall downnnnn………….. What is happening??? I was questioning myself… because I should not fall….. how can I fall??? , I am the star , I am the angel…Till that instance I didn’t understand that my grounds of protection was because of him .. my god lord…….now what should I do and how am I going to stop myself falling from such wide universe to a long journey to earth? Tears started to pour … I closed my eyes and was calling him , he responded …Angel… you wanted to go to earth, so I am letting you to face the stages of emotions and to learn the lessons of Life as any other human race does…I asked him … you won’t be with me then? He smiled very pleasantly and said, angel…who said I am not with you… I am with each and every race and creatures of nature and earth. And the voice has vanished for me… all this way I am falling from the wide universe to earth, till that instance fear gripped me …but.. when I heard his soothing voice and response, it calmed me and I accepted my fate and was making myself ready to face the stages of life.

On the journey down I saw that one young girl , standing at her window sill was wishing upon me for her dream to come true… thinking that the falling star could give her the boon…this made me laugh and cry at the same time.. I laughed because I felt it’s me who grants the boon, but its him who does this for all…and I cried because I felt so helpless for not able to do anything for that girl… I silently prayed god to help my young friend… and I was falling…… falling down…. DHUDDDDDDD

I opened my eyes and saw my mother who is trying to wake me up from my sleep… I understood that I had a dream … I just woke up from my bed and hugged my mother with happiness… because.. he has not left me and is infront of me in the form of my mother….   :)
